Workshop Management

We provide a complete solution for managing workshop operations and planning, including allocation and management of defects and planned maintenance relating to your in-house workshop or to external suppliers. All work in progress can be viewed on a single screen, with the added capability to drill-down to specific details of job cards, time sheets, labour, defect, and context.

Digital Transformation

Transform your fleet workshop with digital recording and reporting. All data capture is tablet-based so all traditional paper-based labour activity forms, such as job cards and inspection sheets are now redundant, meaning improved workshop productivity and efficiency.

Electronic job cards can be used to record ad-hoc defects, carry out structured vehicle inspections and record work as it happens, and these job cards can be easily converted directly to invoices. Making the switch to paperless working allows for real-time information transfer between systems and departments, reduces administration time, reduces paper waste and means invoicing can be completed more quickly.

Defect Management

Defects can be captured from either driver walkaround checks or mechanic workshop inspections via driver defect sheets on hand-held mobile devices. Defects can be given different priority levels so that critical items can be more readily identified and dealt with and can be instantly issued to job cards for immediate rectification or stored for future action.

Workshop Cost Control

Closely tracking all costs associated with maintaining assets can provide you with minute detail about every aspect of your fleet and workshop operation. All costs relating to vehicles, components and labour can be pinpointed precisely, meaning labour inefficiencies, repeat component defects, and asset reliability issues can be identified. Additionally, commercial vehicle workshops servicing external fleets can analyse detailed parts consumption and can therefore determine customer buying behaviour.

Supplier Management

The management of third-party maintenance suppliers is a key component of our workshop management system. Integration of third-party maintenance schedules, planned work, changes to work estimates and work completion can all be handled via our software, as well as authority levels, purchasing hierarchy and order number supply, offering a complete solution for supplier communication and performance management.

Live Fleet Availability for Transport Planning

By pushing vehicle status information to your transport planning system, your planning team always has access to live fleet availability. Vehicles due for maintenance can be planned back to the relevant maintenance workshop and off-road vehicles can be managed out of route planning operations.

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